<p class="page-text-title2">Welcome to the Condo Lady Blog. We strive to be the foremost source of condominium information. We look forward to sharing all we know with you, our clients in a friendly and helpful way.</p>
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Is Condo Living Right For You? 10 Reasons Why We Think Yes

Is Condo Living Right For You? 10 Reasons Why We Think Yes

Written By: Jordon Scrinko Source: https://precondo.ca/is-condo-living-right-for-you/   The condo living is accompanied by a plethora of attractive amenities on offer. They are generally closer to the cities hubbub as well as stores, dining and entertainment. So,...

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Little touches that make a huge difference

Little touches that make a huge difference

Written By: Lisa Rogers Source: https://myhomepage.ca/little-touches-make-huge-difference-jul18-aug14_2020/ Decorating a small space isn’t actually that different than decorating a large one: It just requires a bit of ingenuity and understanding what works in the...

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