Statistics show we are spending more time in the bedroom, sleeping, working, and yes, hiding out from others! Sleep experts recommend that the bedroom be used only for sleep. It’s important to create a psychological association between the two. However, in these compromised times many of us don’t have the luxury of a bedroom dedicated to sleep. So how can achieve the dual goals of having a calming daytime escape or workspace and promote better sleep? One way is to create a soothing space. Read on for our tips on how you can turn your bedroom into an oasis of calm.
Creating a Calming Sleep Space
1 Deep Clean
Start with the basics and give your bedroom a good cleaning. Allergens lurk in curtains, carpets, linens, and dusty surfaces, and can interfere with your breathing and impact sleep. Wash your linens and drapes, vacuum carpets, including under the bed, and wipe down all your surfaces with a damp cloth. Finish off by opening the windows to get fresh air in and built-up toxins out. Yes, toxins do build up in the home, aggravating allergies and asthma. Unless it’s a high pollen day, fresh air flow daily contributes to a healthier you!
2 Declutter
Clean surfaces are more calming than cluttered ones. It’s time to pull a Marie Kondo and tidy up! Stacks of books and magazines, piles of clothes, and anything that doesn’t belong in the bedroom need to go. Throw out or donate what you no longer want and pack away everything else in closets and drawers. Keep the minimum items on your bedside table like a clock and tissues and put everything else in the drawer or basket underneath. Subtraction is key.
3 Upgrade Your Linens
If your linens have seen better days and you can afford a new set, by all means do. Nothing is more relaxing than crisp, new sheets and a cozy comforter or blanket. Go for natural fibers if you can for breathability. Check out weighted blankets if you are sleep challenged. People claim they improve sleep!
4 Splurge on a Quality Mattress
A new mattress is a big investment, but it can be life changing if you have back issues or suspect your mattress is not giving you a good night’s sleep. If you are still sleeping in a queen size bed with your partner and having hot flashes and night sweats, upgrade to a king size bed if space permits. Trust us, it’s a game changer!

Pro tip: We get more light sensitive as we age even to small sources such as a TV power light and digital devices. Use a sleep mask or black out shades to block out all sources of light.
5 Block Noise and Light
Sound is the biggest disruptor of sleep. If you are a light sleeper who is easily disturbed by any noises, a noise machine might be just the ticket. A study from 2017, found that pink noise helped older adults get deeper sleep (and improve memory).
Artificial light is also the enemy of a good night’s sleep, especially in this era of digital everything. It disrupts our natural circadian rhythm. Turn off digital devices two hours before bed. The blue light emitted from devices interferes with sleep. If you use a digital alarm clock, turn it away from you.
6 Paint
Interior decorators have been telling us for years that the cheapest way to transform a room is to paint it. When it comes to creating a calming bedroom, cool colors rule. Think blues, yellows, greens. If it helps you make a decision on color, a survey found that people with blue bedrooms got the most sleep.
7 Personalize with Art
Art is also an inexpensive way to makeover a room. It doesn’t have to be gallery-quality. You just need art that you love to look at. Minted, Etsy, and other sites are great sources as are travel mementos and family treasures. You can also think outside the box like in the photo above and hang items that were originally intended for another purpose.

Pro tip: turn your thermostat down to 67 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. The research consensus is that sleeping in a room between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal.
8 Make a Cozy Nook
If you have the space, find a part of the bedroom to create a cozy spot just for you. It could be a comfy chair for reading, a small desk for writing, or an area to practice yoga or meditation. Make this spot your exclusive place for quiet contemplation and restoration.
9 Swap Your Night Clothes
If your pajamas are torn, stained, stretched out, or faded, it’s time to swap them out with a new set. You may not realize it, but new night clothes can have the effect of making you feel better about yourself. Experiencing hot flashes and night sweats?
10 Add Little Touches
Streamlining your bedroom environment doesn’t have to mean creating a stark room devoid of personality. Incorporating little touches like fresh flowers or a special photo on the bedside are what make the room a personal and special space to be in. Just don’t overdo it or you’ll have to go back to tip #2 – declutter!
Remember, you don’t have to implement all of these suggestions and definitely not all at once. Try tackling one item a week. Incremental progress can be just as rewarding as the final result. Celebrate your accomplishments week by week.